Dr. Ralph de Chabert
Trustees of Inclusive Equity Awards
7th Annual Juneteenth Celebration Gala
Wednesday, June 19th, 2024
5:00pm - 9:00pm
LCCC announces our inaugural year of recognizing individuals and teams who make exceptional impact in the areas of inclusion, equity and diversity.
The Trustees of Inclusive Equity Awards will be presented during a special Juneteenth Celebration Gala, on June 19th, symbolic of a significant date in African American history that commemorates our past, while acknowledging current-day strides to promote economic mobility, personal development, respect for all cultures, and equitable opportunities for all. LCCC and its partners want to highlight community and corporate leaders who are innovative in their approach to advancing inclusive equity in corporate, education, healthcare, nonprofit, and community institutional settings.
This will be an in-person event which will be livestreamed via YouTube.
@ Old Walnut Street
1300 W Muhammad Ali Blvd, Louisville, KY 40203
Are you ready to attend?
Do you know someone active in the community?
If you know a key leader who influences the advancement of equity, diversity and inclusion in corporate, organizational, healthcare, nonprofit, and community settings you can nominate them.
*The deadline to submit nominations is February 29th, 2024
Are you an organization that wants to join our efforts?
Join our effort to stimulate greater economic impact within underserved areas of our community by helping us recognize the work of local leaders who are driving the I.E. movement.
Join the past Trustees of Inclusive Equity Award Recipients & LCCC on Juneteenth as we honor six individuals/companies for their advancement of inclusion and equity in our community.
Why is Juneteenth important to the advancement of economic equity and justice in America?
The cultural holiday Juneteenth is invaluable to growth and maintenance of economic equity in America because it provides a necessary starting point. 2024 marks 159 years of history since General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas and read the Emancipation Proclamation. The celebration that ensued among those African Americans was one of gratitude as much as expectation. We use Juneteenth as a place marker to measure how far we have come collectively as a nation toward fulfilling the promises contained in our foundational documents.
- By Barry McNealy, Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, June 14, 2018

Reach 500 Community Leaders through the Trustees of Inclusive Equity Awards Gala
Wednesday, June 19th
An elegant Juneteenth celebration
- Join our effort to stimulate greater economic impact within underserved areas of our community by helping us recognize the work of local leaders who are driving the I.E. movement.
- Please consider a Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze or Table level sponsorship for The I.E. Awards Gala in honor of our annual Juneteenth community celebration.
- We look forward to hearing from you regardless of your level of support.
- Thanks in advance for your generosity.
Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities that Reach Metro Louisville
Sponsorship Levels
PLATINUM SPONSOR - $25,000: Event title sponsor, 2 tables of 8, banner/monitor displays, speaking opportunity, event advertising mention, inside front cover full-color, full-page ad in souvenir booklet.
GOLD SPONSOR - $15,000: 1 table of 8, banner/monitor displays, speaking opportunity, event advertising mention, back cover full-color, full-page ad in souvenir booklet.
SILVER SPONSOR - $7,500: 1 table of 8, banner/monitor displays, event advertising mention, inside back cover full-color, full-page ad in souvenir booklet.
BRONZE SPONSOR - $5,000: 1 table of 8, event advertising mention, full-color full-page ad in souvenir booklet.
Juneteenth Table Sponsor - $2,500: 1 table of 8, 1/2-page ad in souvenir booklet.
Blue Ribbon Table Sponsor - $1,500: 1 table of 8, 1/4-page ad in souvenir booklet.
GOLD SPONSOR - $15,000: 1 table of 8, banner/monitor displays, speaking opportunity, event advertising mention, back cover full-color, full-page ad in souvenir booklet.
SILVER SPONSOR - $7,500: 1 table of 8, banner/monitor displays, event advertising mention, inside back cover full-color, full-page ad in souvenir booklet.
BRONZE SPONSOR - $5,000: 1 table of 8, event advertising mention, full-color full-page ad in souvenir booklet.
Juneteenth Table Sponsor - $2,500: 1 table of 8, 1/2-page ad in souvenir booklet.
Blue Ribbon Table Sponsor - $1,500: 1 table of 8, 1/4-page ad in souvenir booklet.
Souvenir Booklet Advertising Rates
Full-Page Ad - $1,000
Half-Page Ad - $500
Quarter-Page Ad - $250
Business Card Ad - $125
Half-Page Ad - $500
Quarter-Page Ad - $250
Business Card Ad - $125
To place an ad in the IE Souvenir Booklet, email the ad to sonia@adhawks.com with “LCCC Ad – Your Company Name” in the subject line. Ads will be placed on a first-come, first-served basis.